
Serving the Upper Valley Since 1916
St. Luke’s is a Christ-centered church in the heart of the upper valley serving La Union, Anthony, Canutillo, Sunland Park, West El Paso, Santa Teresa and the surrounding communities. Come join us in worshiping our Lord and Savior. Everyone is welcome to take part in our services and all baptized Christians are invited to take communion.


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Vision Statement

 The congregation of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church has a vision to serve the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit both within and outside the walls of the church building.

 We pledge to:

  • Serve the Community
  • Serve the spiritual needs of the members of St. Luke’s.
  • Serve the fellowship needs of the congregation.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is located in the Mesilla or Upper Valley near La Union, New Mexico and Canutillo, Texas . It began as a mission in the early 1900s to serve the pioneer families for their spiritual guidance. Rev. Henry Easter of St. Clement’s Episcopal Church in El Paso, Texas would make periodic visits to hold services in the Central School building, which is now part of St. Luke’s Sacred Grounds.

As the population of the valley increased, it became necessary to build a small church. The cornerstone was laid in 1916 by the Rev. Hunter “Preacher” Lewis and “the little church in the cotton patch” (as it was fondly called) was consecrated in 1918.

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Service Times

Saturday In-Person Service Only is at 4:00 pm. with no music and no kid’s church

Sunday In-Person Service and Live-streamed is at 9:30 am. with comtemporary music and kid’s church.

Also available is Nursery and Sunday School.





Father Daniel Cave is available during the posted office hours, or by appointment. Please contact us if you would like to make an appointment with Fr. Cave or if you have a prayer request you wish to make.


Our 9:30 Service always contains music, a combination of hymns and contemporary praise songs. Everyone is welcome to participate in our Praise Band. Whether you sing or play an instrument, there is always room for more sounds to glorify Christ!

If you are interested in participating please contact Jane Cave at 575-874-3972 or our rector on the contact us page.


Our Barn sales are generally on Tuesdays of each month during the Spring, Fall, and Winter. The biggest barn sale, with the best selection is during our annual Country Fair, every October. The Barn is a ministry of outreach to the community and supplies gently used items at low cost or no cost to families in need. The Barn strives to improve our community by keeping items out of our landfills and in the hands of those who can use them, helping people RE-USE, RE-PURPOSE and RE-STYLE.

Thank you to our Country Fair Sponsors!

Currently Hiring

Daycare Nursery Teacher 

Please contact the office for more information. 

Office (575) 874-3972


If you have a special need or would like to donate please contact our Rector.